Thursday, May 13, 2010

A picture can speak 1000 words, but it is mostly lies.

Dearest friends,

How often have you stalked your friends' facebook pictures, paused and said "awww, they are the perfect couple". I have done that so many times. Happy couples at dinner or on vacation posing for the camera, with their arms draped around each other, the sun setting behind them....Lovely, just lovely. Why can't my boyfriend and I be like....(actually, my bf and I take awful photos together, something is always not right, either me or him)

But for those couples that have perfected the art of Kodak moment pictures, 2 weeks..1 month later..Facebook informs me that my friend is now single.

So what happened? What could have torn them up?
A picture may last forever, but relationships don't. (Most of them) A happy couple in a photo is simply a photo with a happy couple. As depressing as that may seem.
Every couple has their issues, no amount of PDA can dissolve these issues. Funnily enough, it's mostly the PDA couples that break up. Man how tedious it must be, to have to delete all those photos off your facebook.

The moral of the story is, the next time I see a picture of a guy staring lovingly in to a girl's eyes. I know to myself, it's nothing to wish for. Because more likely than not, it is a "still" moment that will end up in the recycle bin of their computer.

I hope I have instilled enough pessimism in you for this week.

Have a lovely weekend!

1 comment:

Markliujy said...

Well. That'd make me pessimistic, if it wasn't for the fact that 1. I'm not in a relationship, and 2. I'm pessimistic by nature anyways.

Hmm, PDA stands for Public Display of Affection? I did not know that.

I'm sure that its much easier to fake a happy couple photo by smiling, acting all coupley, then it is to take awful photos. So, awful photos > happy couple photos, I guess?