Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How old would you go?

The question is no longer how low you can go. THe more relevant question in the modern day is: how old will you go?

There is always something about older men that is appealing. Some really do mature like wine. Before you go "eek" on me, hear me out.

Older men are better in many ways:
1. Since girls are more mature than guys, guys need age to compensate.
2. Older men are more grounded. They care but are still independent. They have gone through the "bro before hoe" stages.(hopefully)
3. Older men have better dress senses. I am not talking about your grandpas or your dad's fashion. I am talking about men in their 30s, with their suits, and trench coats, and those adorable Gucci black glasses.
4. Older men know the best places to eat and to travel. After all they have had 10 years earlier start.
5. Most importantly, older men appreciate girls more. They are less shallow and look for women they can respect, who will be a perfect role models for their offsprings rather than easy lays. They will care for you and support you.

Unfortunately, older men have flaws too.

1. firstly, why are they still unmarried?
2. What baggage are they carrying? This directly links with no.1
3. If they are less shallow, why would they go for a young chick in her 20s, probably prancing around in a short skirt.
4. If the theory is true and all good guys have been taken by their 20s. Does that mean the single 30 years old men are the left overs that no other women wants? Are they like sale items that have been marked 50% off, then 20% on top of that and 20% more? People always like what they can't have. So if no one wants him, do you really want Mr oldy?

To you readers, which older celebrity would you go for? And lastly, how old would you go?

My oldy crush will always be Robert Downey Jr. Johny Depp is too dirty, and George Clooney is just blah. But Robert with his alcoholism is the "iron" man for me. Pun intended. OH I nearly forgot, Robert also sings. When he sang "Every Breath you take" to Ally McBeal....oh my goodness, I was so jealous. (YOUTUBE HIM)

Robert today:

Robert back then:

SO, how old would I actually date? My age + 10.


1 comment:

Markliujy said...

Eek? Just so you know, some wine doesn't mature well. =)

And that's just harsh comparing them to sale items...Ouch...