Sunday, May 30, 2010

Are you like your parents?

There is no doubt, as I grow older, I am becoming more like my mum. I know.......dread. I am not talking about looks because that is attributed to genetics, but rather the way my mum approaches problems. When I was younger, my mum use to tell me not to do ALOT of things. She would go on and on about why I should not do it. I use to respond with "OMG, you overreact, you think way too much. Just relax." Unfortunately, instead of taking my own advice, I too have become an overthinker. Overthinking is not a big deal if you are decisive, which I am not. I struggle with these mind boggling decisions every day.

Should I buy Friends box set or individually?
- Target is selling them for $20 each, with 15% of that. From my research you can not get the friends boxset in stores and 17.00 is the cheapest I have seen it being sold. JB is selling it for $34. But the Targets I have been to, do not have every single season. If I buy them separately, then I am missing a couple and that would drive me crazy.
- I should buy it online in a boxset off ebay. But they are mostly R2 (Europe), I am not sure if I want to risk that not working on all my dvd players.
- Perhaps I should wait until Christmas time, that is when boxsets are released. But that is too long of a wait.

Should I go clubbing?
- I do like dancing, and I like hanging out with my friends.
- But how would I get home? Taxi costs money which is ok, but the thought of going home alone in a car in the middle of the night is just really annoying.
- getting ready is not a problem, like most girls, I do like dressing up.
- Should I drive? Yes, that way people won't be staring at me on the train, but that means I can't drink. But I like to drink, what's clubbing if not drink?
- If I drive, where should I park?
- I am really bad at driving, especially in the city. What if I get lost or crash?
- OMMGGGGGGGGG ok.. I am not going.

Should I goto full time work next year?
- I really should get some work experience.
- But what if tax is not what I want to do? I would be stranded in an area that I don't like?
- Should I work somewhere else? What if I don't get a job offer from anywhere else?
- Should I study abroad, the idea of travelling is exciting.
- But what if it is a year wasted? I am now officially behinded. Behind of what? Behind of everyone who started at the same time as me. It would be so weird getting work off people who use to be my peers.
- Should I get my college of law? It will definately be useful, I do eventually want to be a lawyer.
- I am going crazy.

Being a law student doesn't help either. I am consistently drawing up pros and cons for my decisions, and assessing the risks and benefits. Anyway, that is my disgusting trait that I have inherited off my parents. TO make matters worse, my mum can't decide on her problems, so she always ask me for my advice. This leads me taking on two loads of complex issues.

One of my friend always double checks whether the windows and doors of her house has been shut. She would return if she is not sure. She is like her mother in that way.
What sort of traits do you take after your parents? Do you say particular words? Have you adopted some mannerism? Are you cheap like them? Let me know.

I should go now. More issues to deliberate on.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How old would you go?

The question is no longer how low you can go. THe more relevant question in the modern day is: how old will you go?

There is always something about older men that is appealing. Some really do mature like wine. Before you go "eek" on me, hear me out.

Older men are better in many ways:
1. Since girls are more mature than guys, guys need age to compensate.
2. Older men are more grounded. They care but are still independent. They have gone through the "bro before hoe" stages.(hopefully)
3. Older men have better dress senses. I am not talking about your grandpas or your dad's fashion. I am talking about men in their 30s, with their suits, and trench coats, and those adorable Gucci black glasses.
4. Older men know the best places to eat and to travel. After all they have had 10 years earlier start.
5. Most importantly, older men appreciate girls more. They are less shallow and look for women they can respect, who will be a perfect role models for their offsprings rather than easy lays. They will care for you and support you.

Unfortunately, older men have flaws too.

1. firstly, why are they still unmarried?
2. What baggage are they carrying? This directly links with no.1
3. If they are less shallow, why would they go for a young chick in her 20s, probably prancing around in a short skirt.
4. If the theory is true and all good guys have been taken by their 20s. Does that mean the single 30 years old men are the left overs that no other women wants? Are they like sale items that have been marked 50% off, then 20% on top of that and 20% more? People always like what they can't have. So if no one wants him, do you really want Mr oldy?

To you readers, which older celebrity would you go for? And lastly, how old would you go?

My oldy crush will always be Robert Downey Jr. Johny Depp is too dirty, and George Clooney is just blah. But Robert with his alcoholism is the "iron" man for me. Pun intended. OH I nearly forgot, Robert also sings. When he sang "Every Breath you take" to Ally McBeal....oh my goodness, I was so jealous. (YOUTUBE HIM)

Robert today:

Robert back then:

SO, how old would I actually date? My age + 10.


Monday, May 24, 2010

If I'm not in love with you

Sometimes, we get so busy, that we forget about love.

We are so concerned about our exams, our careers, our need and want for material goods that we forget about love. I don't just mean romantic love, but love for your family, as well as the things you love to do.

I am saddened by the people who love another so much, but are afraid to say it.I know it hurts like hell if it doesn't work out, but the things you are scared of are usually the most worthwhile. Romantic love hardly ever comes along. Most of the times, either you like someone and they don't like you back, or the other way around. But what if it is mutual? How would you know if you don't say it or if you don't try it? My suggestion is that you should try it, be naive.....atleast then you have nothing to regret, you tried everything right?

The inspiration behind this blog post is "If i'm not in love" by Faith Hill

IF I'M NOT IN LOVE (Faith Hill)

If I'm not in love with you
What is this I'm going through

And if my heart is lying then
What should I believe in
Why do I go crazy
Every time I think about you, baby
Why else do I want you like I do
If I'm not in love with you

And if I don't need your touch
Why do I miss you so much

If it's just infatuation then
Why is my heart aching
To hold you forever
Give a part of me I thought I'd never
Give again to someone I could lose
If I'm not in love with you

Why in every fantasy
Do I feel your arms embracing me
Lovers lost in sweet desire
Why in dreams do I surrender
Lying with you baby
Someone help explain this feeling
Someone tell me

If I'm not in love with you
What is this I'm going through

And if my heart is lying then what should I believe in
Why do I go crazy
Every time I think about you baby
Why else do I want you like I do
If I'm not in love with you

Please slow down..check out the song. It's a beauty.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Anything is possible..right?

I am a University Student, I am poor, I can not afford a flat but I do love mansions.
Some girls may enjoy clubbing, lesbian kissing and sticking their heads in toilets on a friday or saturday night, I chose to spend hours and hours scrolling through to check out the latest property, and to find the latest decorating inspirations.

There is something about mansions that get me. It's not their grandness, but rather their secrecy. Most of them are hidden behind trees and are barely visible from the streets, but once you enter those enormous iron gates, they tower over you. No houses are made like that anymore. No matter how hard suburbs like Nunawading, Dandenong, Wheelers Hill try to build grand scale houses, the effect is not there. They are just not comparable. They lack quality. Sure they have pools and tennis courts..but do they have the arched hallways, the detailed carvings on the corner of the buildings. Do they have high ceilings, beautifully stained windows? I can go on....and on........

Here is a taste of these beautiful mansions...(to my banker friends, may I please have one of the following:)

367 Beaconsfield Prade, St Kilda

49 St Georges Street, Toorak

Stonington Mansions

65 Clendon Road Toorak

If Jessica Watson can sail around the world unassisted, surely I can buy a mansion. After all she did say "any thing is possible". Kristy - the next mansion owner.

So dearest readers, please support my cause. Rich billionaires - please call me.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

A picture can speak 1000 words, but it is mostly lies.

Dearest friends,

How often have you stalked your friends' facebook pictures, paused and said "awww, they are the perfect couple". I have done that so many times. Happy couples at dinner or on vacation posing for the camera, with their arms draped around each other, the sun setting behind them....Lovely, just lovely. Why can't my boyfriend and I be like....(actually, my bf and I take awful photos together, something is always not right, either me or him)

But for those couples that have perfected the art of Kodak moment pictures, 2 weeks..1 month later..Facebook informs me that my friend is now single.

So what happened? What could have torn them up?
A picture may last forever, but relationships don't. (Most of them) A happy couple in a photo is simply a photo with a happy couple. As depressing as that may seem.
Every couple has their issues, no amount of PDA can dissolve these issues. Funnily enough, it's mostly the PDA couples that break up. Man how tedious it must be, to have to delete all those photos off your facebook.

The moral of the story is, the next time I see a picture of a guy staring lovingly in to a girl's eyes. I know to myself, it's nothing to wish for. Because more likely than not, it is a "still" moment that will end up in the recycle bin of their computer.

I hope I have instilled enough pessimism in you for this week.

Have a lovely weekend!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Something about most girls......

I just love this quote from a movie, it says it all about most girls and perhaps boys. The cynicism that affects us all. Guess which movie?








I have been listening to alot of Sinatra lately. Abit of Moon River, Get Happy and Strangers in the Night. What does that say about me? Perhaps I was born in the wrong era. Where has all the romance gone. Sometimes I wonder if feminism, women rights have driven away all the romance from the guys. Girls want independence, they want to work, they want to support themselves. At the same time, guys no longer feel the need to protect girls and provide for the girls, to treat them well. Why do they have to now when girls can do it all on their own. It is really sad. Why does it have to be all or nothing?