Sunday, March 28, 2010

Back with a BANG!

MY LOVELIES! I AM BACK... like one of the John Farhnam come-back tours. (or...Backstreet girl is back again) oh lame.

I have been away for too long. For those of you who regularly read my blog entries... during your lectures, I apologise for my absence during your first 4 weeks back at uni. I have no excuse this time, just that I couldn't be bothered etc.

For those of you who are reading my blog entries for the first time. Hello! Please come back again!

Since I have been gone, I have been every where! Not really, only to Sydney and Wantirna South. I did climb the Sydney Harbour bridge which cost me $300. If you want to do something that is adrenaline pumping and action packed, this is NOT it. At no point, did I fear for my life. If you want to do something that really "wows" everyone, this NOT it either. Everyone who I have told about my bridge experience gave me a polite smile and said "that's good, is it worth it?". You know it's probably not the most exciting thing when the first thing people ask is how much it costs.

I have deleted over 40 of my old posts. It was sad to, I didn't know I had so many posts over the past year. But I feel that in order to start something fresh, I need to start on a clean slate. ( I can reuse some of my old jokes). But don't be too sad my lovelies, I have kept some of my interesting posts.

Since I am back on my blog, I will no longer be spending hours on fb and msn.

If you have any topics that you like my opinion on, please leave a comment and I will certainly blog about it.

Thank you for your support over the past year, and please show me more love this year.


Something new:
Leona Lewis - Happy
Sportsgirl lipgloss
Body Attack classes - I have set a task for myself to get a washboard stomach.


Unknown said...

Welcome back dearest! <3

Markliujy said...

Too long indeed.

I'm sure you knew all that before you climbed the bridge. At least it would be a somewhat unique experience, even without a wow factor.

Why oh why would you delete posts? Archive everything for the greater prosperity of the internet, and also so you can look back and ponder how crazy you once were =P

Given its everyone's favorite time of the year, at least for graduates, how about you start things off by blogging on your thoughts on graduate programs, graduation, joining the workforce, and finishing uni etc?