Monday, May 11, 2009


Hello friends!

Indemnity clause: this blog is a joke, so if you are offended, I do NOT take any responsibility.

This blog addresses two issues: people with bitchy faces and the commonly used phrase "no offence".

Firstly, I think we can all agree that some people are born with bitchy faces. Before you start calling me a bitch for saying things like that, hear me out! I'm not saying they are a bitch, I'm simply saying that some people look mean. There are two types of bitchy faced people. One that is prima facie bitchy, people who are mean on the surface and are unapproacheable, but once you have a few conversations with them, their personality will rectify their bitchy looks. I think the phrase "don't judge the book by it's cover" applies here.
Enter Exhibit A: Megan Fox
Second type of bitchy faced people are the worst in my opinion. They are your mean looking people with an insincere smile plastered across their face. You are not sure if they are nice or not. You stand there really puzzled, thinking "well, their face says that they are mean, but I could be wrong, because they are smiling." Then, you start talking to them...they use words like "oh honey, darling, sweetie" and drop in phrases like "oh that's cute.." At that point, you are feeling pretty good, even silently praising yourself for giving Bitch faced Type 2 a chance. day you eavesdrop into a conversation held by TYPE 2. BAMMMM, it hits you in the face, TYPE 2 complains, whinges, swears and DISCRIMINATES more than anyone you know, and they do it all behind people's backs.
Enter Exhibit 2
Before people start to question my choice of blog topics, I like to write about things that pop up in my daily life. It just happens that this morning I was inspired by this particular topic when I saw a bitchy looking 25 years old woman.
I'm sure she is a Type1.

If you happen to be a bitchy looking offence intended!
Ok moving on to my second people who say "no offence" really mean it? I hope they do, or else ALOT of offending material have come my way.....I guess my point is, if you are going to say something mean, just say it and prepare to be attacked yourself. OR.....keep it to yourself, and bitch about it in a blog!

Thanks for reading!


Leanne said...

Haha I don't think anyone would be offended, people don't generally think they have a bitchy face.

Btw 'prima facie' bitchy?? Everyone's legalese is getting out of control!

Markliujy said...

I see law terms! Who else would know prima facie? (in italics!)

I'm not too great a judge of bitchiness in general. Even less so from just looks - I suck at figuring things out from looks. I'm more of first impressions kinda person - I think some people are retards, or bitchy, because of what they do/say when I see them first.

I never say "no offense", generally. Why? Because being sarcastic is almost a habit now - I don't notice it anymore, and well, if you know me, then I'm sure you know I'm being sarcastic around 99% of the time.

Unknown said...

I AM OFFENDED! I find characteristics of myself in both Type 1 & Type 2 (me thinks me = type 1-2.... like blood type AB).

Its so like you to simply put ppl into random categories without so much as a consideration of how ppl would feel about being wrongly categorised... or being left without a category they could belong to!!!
