Thursday, May 7, 2009

ADDICTED TO caffeine

Everyone is addicted to something. Asian guys tend to be addicted to Warcraft, Asian girls tend to be addicted to Asian guys. Australian television networks are addicted to horrible reality shows. 80% of people between the age of 16-25 years old are addicted to Facebook. What am I addicted to? A legal drug called caffeine.

When I was little, my mum forbid me from drinking coffee or anything with caffeine in it. She would say: "Krity, no coffee, or tiger COME EAT YOU while you sleep.." I was six years old, OFCOURSE I believed my mum.

In fact, it wasn't until first year university that I really started drinking coffee. You must be wondering what I did prior to that? I use to order hot chocolate but never dared to venture to the other side. I was tempted by the aroma of coffee beans....hmmmm But, i was able to stay a coffee virgin through out high school.

I remember when I drank coffee for real for the first time. I don't even know why I did. I guess it was peer pressure from the other law students who carried stack of books on one hand and a coffee in another. The need to "belong" allured me into the dark side. (Get it?)Any way, it was before an economics revision class. I bought a small capuccino. I didn't really like the taste, except for the frothing and chocolate powder. I didn't rate it until BAM, the caffein hit me! I started to get heart palpitations, symptoms included being extremely edgy, fidgiting and going bright red. I didn't sleep that night. Caffeine got me.

Then V came along and I WAS ADDICTED. Even when my lovely friend Krumi told me the disgusting story about a girl who got addicted to V and died, I still could not resist. V is bad, I know that for sure. Once I spilt V on our concrete floor outside my house, the next day i came back, the concrete was a lighter shade! So if you ever want to clean anything, use V.

ANYWAY, just wanted to share my addiction with you. It's so cold outside, can't wait to get my hands on a hot mug of cappuccino and a slice of strawberry cheesecake( I think coffee tastes so much better in a big mug). what's your addiction?

1 comment:

Markliujy said...

First thing - Are you joking when you say 'caffein' instead of...'caffeine'?

You succumbed to the dark side. How sad.(Except for the fact that nearly EVERYONE drinks coffee/V/energy drinks these days)

I'm still relatively clean of coffee/energy drinks. Last time I drank it it just made me feel sleepy after a while - and I don't really need it for class, I just sleep for a bit, no real big loss there. (And the lack of peer pressure, everyone else drinks it, but no one tells me to)

So V is a substitute for bleach? More reason for me to shy away!