Friday, May 29, 2009

Forever young.....

When you are young, you let your imagination fly.

I remember playing house under the table. Pretending that I was a mother, and trying to feed my baby and look after my husband (who is some poor boy next door, who only agreed to place house, so I would play cars crash games with him after). I had my fake tiny tea pots, stove and plates, and forcing any one I could find to eat scrap pieces of paper. (My noodles).

My cousin and I use to watch so many martial arts movies, and pretended we were xiao-lin temple monks. Fighting with broom sticks, and rulers down 5 floors of stairs. Everytime, I ended up crying, because he would accidently smack me too hard. But, the next day I would play the same game again.

What I hated was barbies. For some reason, they were abit useless to me. Dolls and bears, you can hug, trucks you can roll. Barbies are boring. I had one barbie, I chopped all her hair off, and made her bald, she was useless to me.

Did you ever play in the sand pit or the beach, build little castles, or pretend that they were food. Plants use to be vegetables to eat. When we were little, we could make anything come true. In a second, we could be at the beach, flying through space, exploring the jungle or shopping in a supermarket. We could be anyone that we wanted to be: mother, doctor, train conductor, teacher, policeman. All of which could be achieved without television, Wii, Playstation, Xbox or DS. It's called IMAGINATION.

What happened to us? At what point did it all become "Lame and Stupid". When we were little, we made "being employed" "studying", "cooking", "having a baby" so much fun! Why is it now the idea of doing all of the above bores us or freaks us out?

Most of you would say that we are simply being more realistic and critical, a process of growing up. But is it necessary a good thing? Being young is so much more fun! It releases our true spirit! Too bad plastic surgery cannot bring back real youth.

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend, I will leave you with.....

Apple on the stick, makes me sick, makes my heartbeat 2-4-6, not because you are dirty, not because you are clean, just because you kissed a boy behind a magazine....

What were your childhood games like? Leave a comment!


Markliujy said...

Point - there is one major major major difference between imagining yourself doing something, and actually doing something. Doing it takes effort.

Fact - My imagination sucks. I don't recall what I did when I was a kid. I don't think I played make believe games though.

And you chopping up barbies? My god...

Unknown said...

Ahhh imgaination & barbie... this blog reminds me of the AQUA song lolz. How does it go again?

I heard it playing at Campus centre once... got really excited hahah. OH and meeting point was playing NOBODY on Thursday lunchtime!!!!

sry bout random comment =P