Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Feeling uninspired...

Hello friends!

Right now I am at the turning point of a positive porabola (LAME JOKE). Feeling so unmotivated. It's the busiest time of the semester, and I have literally taken my foot of the gas pedal, just chilling out instead. WHAT AM I DOING? WHY AM I writing a ridiculous blog that no one is going to read?
I have an assignment due in 2 days, and I can't even be bothered doing something for that..

Right now I have persuaded myself to go to America and study for a semester. WHy? I guess it's because i really do feel that i'm underachieving at the moment. I am disorientated. What do I want in life? Who do I want to be? I am suddenly confronted with these big questions. All through high school, I knew exactly what I wanted and how I was going to achieve that. Now faced with so many options, I am confused. Hopefully, going overseas, seeing more of the world will help me learn and discover more about people, life and myself.

1 comment:

Markliujy said...

Porabola? Is that part of the joke that I don't get?...

I'm reading it so...I'm no one now huh? Now that's harsh.

Hope your mood swings...back into work mode. Soon. Before you end up handing it in 5 minutes late. Again.

America? Wow. I don't suppose a certain someone is going with you?

And well, I ponder questions lately too. Except I try and ignore them still. As history has proven for me, when I get too many choices, what do I do? Pick none, because there's too many.