Friday, October 2, 2009

You know you are HOT when...

0. it is 40 degrees Celcius outside.
1. you can wear mismatched clothes and everyone says your have an excellent sense for fashion.
2. you wear fob clothes and you still look chic! (damn you Sarah! :p)
3. you can pull off bright and neon colours. Generally, if you are blonde with blue eyes, skinny with long legs, you are hot.
4. people do doubletakes at you when you wear no makeup.

Is it just me or is there an epidemic of HORSE lashes (fake lashes) these days on ASIAN girls? Man..embrace the fact girls, you have no lashes, or atleast glue some natural looking ones on. When you start wearing horrible HORRIBLE dragqueen lashes, I just want to *sigh* at you. Someone should really tell them that unnatural looking lashes are not pretty, just like Posh Spice's breasts and Nicole Kidman's forehead.

Yesterday, I saw a girl on the train, she was in her office gear with minimum make up, her hair was pulled back so you can really take a look at her face. She was so pretty. Everyone on the train was checking her out whilst pretending to read their MX. I don't know if she noticed, but she just kept on playing with her ipod!

5. Lastly, when people (guys especially) continue to hang around you despite the totally put the "B" in itch!

Disclaimer: I don't know where I got the last picture from, I don't know her. I am sure she is a nice girl.

Have a nice weekend Y'all!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mean girls.

When I was young, I hated confrontations. I would avoid it by retreating at the earliest sign of conflict. Now, I face it head on, not afraid to use swearing words to add emphasis. I like to believe I am becoming more thick skinned. Otherwise, I have serious "mean girls" issues. Undoubtedly, I still feel terrible after I say mean things and I still rarely do.

To give you an example of my "mean girl" moment: yesterday, when I was watching the AFL grandfinal with a few mates. These guys went for Geelong. I go for Saints. So naturally, when my team lost, I was like sad and really disappointed. When one of the guys started bagging Nick Riewolt, I cracked it. I told him to "shut the f*ck up". See how mean I am? I didn't even apologise, I probably wouldn't. For those of you who are bitchy, this would seem minor. But for the docile kind, I must seem like a horrible monster. Just to reassure you, I am not! I hate being mean, but I really can't be bothered putting with people's crap these days, so I say what I think. Considering that I still seldomly say mean things, it just demonstrates I don't often think badly of others.

Have any of you guys experienced any major personality changes, for the better or worse?

What happened to spring? I was ready!! But now it's disappeared, and Winter is back again. :( Cold weather always make me shitty.
Here is some photos to remind you of Spring.

Colours will be big for Spring. I love Canary yellow and soft pink.
It's a great time to shop at the moment, midsemester break and the shops are having their midseason sale! Head to David Jones for shoes and bags, they are 30% off for some good quality stuff!

I bought some new makeup yesterday. I normally don't alot of makeup, especially not to university. So I was looking for some really light makeup, easy application.
I stumbled on Almay smart shade foundation. It comes out white, but when you put it on your face, it turns into the shade of your skin! How cool is that?
So I am going to try it out and see how that goes!!!

Have a nice week guys!!

Love Kristy

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I carry your heart with me...

By EE Cummings

I carry your heart with me
I carry it in my heart
I am never without it
anywhere i go you go my dear;
and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling
I fear no fate
for you are my fate,my sweet
I want no world
for beautiful you are my world,my true
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you.

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
Here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;
which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart.

I carry your heart
I carry it in my heart

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Asians are not UGLY...

Dearest friends,

I think there are many beautiful Asians out there, despite the constant portrayal of slit/slanted eyed, flat faced and dopy looking asians with horrible fashion sense.

Fashion magazines continue to ignore the use of Asian models. I know this for a fact, because I ritually read magzines such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Cleo etc, and the quick flick through Dolly and Girlfriend magazines. WHERE ARE THE ASIANS????? With an abundant inflow of Asian immigrants, I am disappointed to say that the forementioned magazines have failed to research the demographics of their readers. Unless ofcourse, they only intend for white readers. If so, FY!

They regularly do editions on red hair, brunettes and blondes. Why is Brunette always brown? Brunette means dark hair not brown hair(checked my dictionary), therefore they should use black hair occasionally to represent brunettes.

Even when, asians are represented in the media, the ugly ones are picked. People like William Hung, the new girl Sunny on Neighbours, just to name a few. Common factor between all? SMALL EYES/Barely there eyes! No wonder, the western society think that we are all like that. Furthermore, when asians do feature in advertisements, it is always to bring a mockery factor. Thank you very much for making us into a joke!

Westerners need to understand that Asians are just as beautiful...I have included 2 regular asians to demonstrate my premise.

This is Juley from

This is Trang from, this girl has impeccable taste!


Monday, July 6, 2009

HOW TO AVOID ...Awkward Silences

I love silence. I am the type of person who is not afraid of solitude. Solitude is very different from being lonely. Loneliness results from loss of a person, or a loss of purpose, but solitude is a peaceful reflective time. During my time alone, I like to read and write and surf the web. To be honest, I rather join a book club then go to a club. Before you press the X button on the top right hand corner of your screen, I do socialise. I just came back from a 2 games of bowling!

Having said that, I detest awkward silences. It leaves me feeling socially retarded. As a result, I have come up with ways to avoid it.Awkward silences arises when you:

- don't know that person well, you have got past the "hello and how are you" and you have no idea how to leave politely, so you are stuck there. You smile awkwardly at that person. The person smiles back. You are not sure what to say or ask, because you don't want to sound "uncool" or too intrusive.

what I normally do: "oh this is awkward, we could talk about the weather or the sport, which do you prefer?" I like to tackle the problem head on.

- see someone you haven't seen for a long time. The conversation always start very enthusiastically with the "OMGGG" but after 2 minutes of "what have you been up to?" and "oh not much", conversation comes to a halt.

What I normally do: Oh, too bad I'm in a rush to goto___INSERT___, hope to see you soon!

- see an acquaintance and you have to talk to them, because your friends have not arrived and there is no one else to talk to at the party.

What I normally do: start off with greetings, university, traveling, AFL/cycling/tennis(male) /Twilight(female). Ask questions about their work or mutual friends. If the conversation continues, you can then move on to relationships. DON"T act too surprised, when you find out they do have a partner. That tends to make situations even more awkward. I would know. :(

I blame awkward silences on people who give you mono answers. "good" "nothing" "not much" "oh great" Such conversation killers. The general rule is, ask 5 questions, if they continuously give you mono answers, move on to someone else, or start talking about yourself. My ability to blab is impressive for someone who is considered quiet shy, if I feel awkward silences are inevitable, I would just keep talking and talking and talking. This is followed by nodding and smiling to any responses that come my way.
Xo Xo
Please feel free to leave any suggestions!
I hope that is some what helpful!

Look of the week:

Friday, June 26, 2009

You made the world a better place...

Dearest friends,

We have lost some one great today.

I can't believe he is gone. I know my friend Niro is devastated, he is such a huge fan.

Michael Jackson is undoubtedly one of the greatest performers in my lifetime.
I loved him in Jackson five, in the Thriller and in Billie Jean. I hope people remember him for who he is, a father, a dancer, a singer and someone who has bought so much hope to many. Although I have never been obsessed about MJ, but he has always entertained me. I have so much respect for what he has achieved. No one will or should take that away from him.

I have been listening to his songs on my cassette player. That's how old some of them are.
This is my favourite...

There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow.
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow.
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space, make a better place.

Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
If you want to know why
There's a love that cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares for joyful giving.
If we try we shall see
In this bliss we cannot feel
Fear or dread
We stop existing and start living
Then it feels that always
Love's enough for us growing
Make a better world, make a better world.

And the dream we would conceived in
Will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in
Will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life
Wound this earth, crucify it's soul
Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly
Be God's glow.

We could fly so high
Let our spirits never die
In my heart I feel
You are all my brothers
Create a world with no fear
Together we'll cry happy tears
See the nations turn
Their swords into plowshares
We could really get there
If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space to make a better place.

I am still speechless. I hope you all take care! Please take care. XoXo

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Goodbye to "bad boys"...

Between the age of 15-18. I admit, I did have a thing for the bad boys. There is something about them that is just attractive. Was it the looks? No.. It was more of the attitude and the.. omg "he is so wild, but I can tame him" ideology.

I blame the movies and books for such delusions. In those stories, the guys are always wild, grown up in the wrong side of the town, partying, not turning up to school, not nice to people, unreliable and so forth. But then one day he meets this girl, at first he didn't think much, he tries to intimidate her and push her away like he does to others, but she stands up to him. He is so shocked because this timid good girl is not afraid of him. He is interested, he gets to know her more. BAM! He starts to follow her around, he writes sweet letters, he protects her...he has fallen in love with her.

So now I'm older, armed with better and more rational reasoning skills, I once again analyse what it really means to "date a bad boy".

Firstly, why are these guys bad? Yes, they had a rough upbringing, but they still have a choice to be responsible for their actions and to be nice to others. There is really no excuse to being an asshole.

Secondly, will they ever be nice to the one particular girl? No, it's unlikely. They are unreliable, and they never wanted to be responsible and obey rules of the society. Even if you do try to change them, it will only be temporary.

Thirdly, who wants to be called to the police station at 2Am to bail out your boyfriend, because he decides that he has to "stick up for a mate" by getting into a fist fight? or even worst, to be on the end of a fist fight. Poor Rhianna..

Lastly, if the reason you are attracted to X because he is hardcore, wild, bad etc... then clearly, you will lose interest when he becomes tamed by you. When he does all the right thing and follow you around like a puppy, will you still be attracted to him?

Therefore, after such deductions, I (the wise one) conclude that "bad boys" should be left as a fantasy and it should definately not be exercised upon. GEEKY boys, it's your turn to shine..
bring out your comic books, and wow us girls with your "LMAO" jokes and wikipedia knowledge.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Devil's Advocate

The ability to argue from both sides should be admired and applauded. When you study law, this is essential. Being the devil's advocate, coming up with clever minority arguments will often get your good marks. I love Kirby J. Blah Blah......

This is all good, BUT SOME PEOPLE take this too far.

Have you ever had a friend, who likes to make negative comments when you tell them something that you are proud of, or you did well in. A friend who compliments with the most condescending tone.

Let me demonstrate..

Exhibit A:
K: Hey X, I started a new blog!
X: That's exciting, abit narssistic though isn't it? I think only people who have too much spare time or are too into themselves write blogs.

Exhibit B:
K: Hey, I got a really good mark on ___.
X: oh well done, but i guess you have more time to work on your assignments since don't work much.

Exhibit C:
X: Hey you got a hair cut, I dont' see any difference.
X: I like your new hair, it ooks like Rhiannas, not very original .. no offense.

Exhibit D:
K: Hey I bought this really pretty dress.
X: oh it's nice, but I.....don't think it suits you.

As you can clearly see from above, X has a way of subtly inserting their negativism in to "compliments". One comment, fair enough.. 10 times consecutively....SLY moles.

It's true, I don't have thick skin. However, I can accept criticims, no worries mate. What is ironic is that the aforementioned "negative" comments are consistently paid out from the same individuals. They are always questioning you on why you did something, and saying that they don't agree. Honestly, after 10 times, I don't care what you think. You never get these comments from anyone else, so it's clearly them and NOT YOU. I propose two explanations. Firstly, Xs are not happy with their own life, therefore they feel the need to bring other people down to their level. Secondly, they were born with a broomstick up their rear end, which results in bottled up stress.

Remember, it takes 42 muscle to frown but only 3 to reach out and slap that bitch!

Haha, I apologise for these erratic posts.

Desire of the week:
These Christian Louboutins.......lust

I love this preppy look...I heart blazers.

Have a nice week guys!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Forever young.....

When you are young, you let your imagination fly.

I remember playing house under the table. Pretending that I was a mother, and trying to feed my baby and look after my husband (who is some poor boy next door, who only agreed to place house, so I would play cars crash games with him after). I had my fake tiny tea pots, stove and plates, and forcing any one I could find to eat scrap pieces of paper. (My noodles).

My cousin and I use to watch so many martial arts movies, and pretended we were xiao-lin temple monks. Fighting with broom sticks, and rulers down 5 floors of stairs. Everytime, I ended up crying, because he would accidently smack me too hard. But, the next day I would play the same game again.

What I hated was barbies. For some reason, they were abit useless to me. Dolls and bears, you can hug, trucks you can roll. Barbies are boring. I had one barbie, I chopped all her hair off, and made her bald, she was useless to me.

Did you ever play in the sand pit or the beach, build little castles, or pretend that they were food. Plants use to be vegetables to eat. When we were little, we could make anything come true. In a second, we could be at the beach, flying through space, exploring the jungle or shopping in a supermarket. We could be anyone that we wanted to be: mother, doctor, train conductor, teacher, policeman. All of which could be achieved without television, Wii, Playstation, Xbox or DS. It's called IMAGINATION.

What happened to us? At what point did it all become "Lame and Stupid". When we were little, we made "being employed" "studying", "cooking", "having a baby" so much fun! Why is it now the idea of doing all of the above bores us or freaks us out?

Most of you would say that we are simply being more realistic and critical, a process of growing up. But is it necessary a good thing? Being young is so much more fun! It releases our true spirit! Too bad plastic surgery cannot bring back real youth.

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend, I will leave you with.....

Apple on the stick, makes me sick, makes my heartbeat 2-4-6, not because you are dirty, not because you are clean, just because you kissed a boy behind a magazine....

What were your childhood games like? Leave a comment!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What can't you do because you are a couple?

Hello! I'm excited about this post.

For my readers who are single and want a boyfriend or will think twice before you get into a relationship after reading this.
But in general, everyone who has ever been in a relationship, whether you are a guy or a girl, you will understand exactly what I mean. The following information is all absolutely true. Nothing is invented. Nothing needed to be.

So.. lets get started. What can't you do because you are a couple?Beauty and the beast cannot..............

  • You cant' say the wrong thing. You cant' use the wrong tone of voice. And you can't deny the wrong tone-of-voice accusation when it's made.
  • You can't make jokes about bald spots, ear shape, or fat or flat or other area of sensitivity, even if you did not know until that moement that it was an area of sensitivity.
  • you can't go out when the other person feels like staying home. You can't go to parties alone. You can't go out to just go out, because you can't not be considerate of the other person's worries about where you are, or their natural insecurities that you're not where you should be, or about where you could be instead. (I know alot of guys would agree with this one)
  • You can't make plans without consulting the other person, particularly not evenings or weekends, or make decisions about leisure-time usage without consultation.
  • You can't leave your (pick one) books, tissues, shoes, makeup, mail, underwear, work, sewing stuff, pornography lying around the house.
  • You can't spend too much time on the computer..and stay off those chat rooms! You can't have email flirtations, even if innocent.
  • you can't play computer solitare because the clicking drives the other person crazy...
  • you can't talk on the phone when they're in the room without them commenting on the conversation, or trying to talk to you at the same time.
  • Your best friend can't call after 10.00pm.
  • You can't have the wrong laugh: too loud, too explosive, too inappropriate, too sily.
  • You cant' make penis size jokes or laugh when others do.
  • You can't talk about past relationships, or you can't NOt talk about past relationship, and can't refuse to reveal all the long-forgotten details when asked.
  • You can't not "communicate your feelings" except when those feelings are critical which they ought not be.
  • You cant' be too charming in public, especially to persons of the opposite sex (or same sex where applicable).
  • You can't spend more than X amount of time talking to such persons, with X measured in nanoseconds.
  • You can't socialise with your exes, even if you swear it's really over.
  • You may not critcize the other person's driving, signalling or lane-changing habits.
  • You may not suggest to the other person that perhaps it's time to look at the melway, or ask for directions.
After all of the above, love is obtained!

For more of what you can't "Against love-A Polemic" by Laura Kipnis.

Where did I get this from? My pensions and investment lecturer included this article in our study notes, because after two divorces, he realised how badly it could affect your financial asset and future retirement funds! prepared single people!

For all couples.......know that you are not alone. Many are suffering with you...

Thanks for reading.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Firstly, an administrative update.

I intalled a shoutbox! So for those of you who do not have a blog or a google account, you can still leave a message.
If you do leave a message, I will reply! so come back to my blog, and read my response.

Secondly, why do we have an epidemic of TRY HARD LESBIANS?

I don't understand, why every time I open up my facebook, there in front of me, lies pictures of my female friends or female associates pretending to kiss, or actually kissing some girl! What on earth is happening? Houston, we have a problem.
My prudish brain cannot handle it. I fully support the gay community. But why are these straight girls trying to be gay??

So I waste 5 minutes racking my brains to figure out the mens rea behind such actions!

Idea 1: These girls are actually gay. Unlikely, because there are pictures of them kissing guys as well.
Idea 2: These girls are bi-sexuals. This will explain the first matter, but I've never heard that they have, are, will dated/dating/date girls.
Idea 3: This leaves me to the most pragmatic reason which is kissing girls have become a trend. But this begs the question, why doesn't the same trend apply to guys?
I went to a club once with a few of my friends. After a few drinks, one of my female friends decided to pash some other girl, to score free drinks from a few DIRTY guys watching.

So, this leads me to the conclusion that girls do it because it has become a trend, and that they want to impress the guys. Celebrities have taken advantage of this try-hard lesbian trend to become popular. Just like, ompa-lumpa tans and posh-spice hair cut, EVERYONE IS DOING IT. This is TWISTED. HOW how how...WHY WHY WHY.....on earth would you do such thing, my dear female peers????Guys will never plan and take you out to romantic candle light dinners regularly, book a nice holiday getaway, listen to you rant or go shopping with you. They know very well that girls find that 'hot'. Yet, it's not within their scope to try such things. SO WHY ARE YOU GIRLS TRYING SO HARD.

Society evolves in strange ways. Perhaps the next trend will be Try HARD FOBS. (fresh off the boat).......I can't wait! Teehee!

Monday, May 11, 2009


Hello friends!

Indemnity clause: this blog is a joke, so if you are offended, I do NOT take any responsibility.

This blog addresses two issues: people with bitchy faces and the commonly used phrase "no offence".

Firstly, I think we can all agree that some people are born with bitchy faces. Before you start calling me a bitch for saying things like that, hear me out! I'm not saying they are a bitch, I'm simply saying that some people look mean. There are two types of bitchy faced people. One that is prima facie bitchy, people who are mean on the surface and are unapproacheable, but once you have a few conversations with them, their personality will rectify their bitchy looks. I think the phrase "don't judge the book by it's cover" applies here.
Enter Exhibit A: Megan Fox
Second type of bitchy faced people are the worst in my opinion. They are your mean looking people with an insincere smile plastered across their face. You are not sure if they are nice or not. You stand there really puzzled, thinking "well, their face says that they are mean, but I could be wrong, because they are smiling." Then, you start talking to them...they use words like "oh honey, darling, sweetie" and drop in phrases like "oh that's cute.." At that point, you are feeling pretty good, even silently praising yourself for giving Bitch faced Type 2 a chance. day you eavesdrop into a conversation held by TYPE 2. BAMMMM, it hits you in the face, TYPE 2 complains, whinges, swears and DISCRIMINATES more than anyone you know, and they do it all behind people's backs.
Enter Exhibit 2
Before people start to question my choice of blog topics, I like to write about things that pop up in my daily life. It just happens that this morning I was inspired by this particular topic when I saw a bitchy looking 25 years old woman.
I'm sure she is a Type1.

If you happen to be a bitchy looking offence intended!
Ok moving on to my second people who say "no offence" really mean it? I hope they do, or else ALOT of offending material have come my way.....I guess my point is, if you are going to say something mean, just say it and prepare to be attacked yourself. OR.....keep it to yourself, and bitch about it in a blog!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Surely the churches have better things to do......

I wasn't going to post anything this weekend..until I saw this on LOL...surely there is more important issues to discuss?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

ADDICTED TO caffeine

Everyone is addicted to something. Asian guys tend to be addicted to Warcraft, Asian girls tend to be addicted to Asian guys. Australian television networks are addicted to horrible reality shows. 80% of people between the age of 16-25 years old are addicted to Facebook. What am I addicted to? A legal drug called caffeine.

When I was little, my mum forbid me from drinking coffee or anything with caffeine in it. She would say: "Krity, no coffee, or tiger COME EAT YOU while you sleep.." I was six years old, OFCOURSE I believed my mum.

In fact, it wasn't until first year university that I really started drinking coffee. You must be wondering what I did prior to that? I use to order hot chocolate but never dared to venture to the other side. I was tempted by the aroma of coffee beans....hmmmm But, i was able to stay a coffee virgin through out high school.

I remember when I drank coffee for real for the first time. I don't even know why I did. I guess it was peer pressure from the other law students who carried stack of books on one hand and a coffee in another. The need to "belong" allured me into the dark side. (Get it?)Any way, it was before an economics revision class. I bought a small capuccino. I didn't really like the taste, except for the frothing and chocolate powder. I didn't rate it until BAM, the caffein hit me! I started to get heart palpitations, symptoms included being extremely edgy, fidgiting and going bright red. I didn't sleep that night. Caffeine got me.

Then V came along and I WAS ADDICTED. Even when my lovely friend Krumi told me the disgusting story about a girl who got addicted to V and died, I still could not resist. V is bad, I know that for sure. Once I spilt V on our concrete floor outside my house, the next day i came back, the concrete was a lighter shade! So if you ever want to clean anything, use V.

ANYWAY, just wanted to share my addiction with you. It's so cold outside, can't wait to get my hands on a hot mug of cappuccino and a slice of strawberry cheesecake( I think coffee tastes so much better in a big mug). what's your addiction?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Feeling uninspired...

Hello friends!

Right now I am at the turning point of a positive porabola (LAME JOKE). Feeling so unmotivated. It's the busiest time of the semester, and I have literally taken my foot of the gas pedal, just chilling out instead. WHAT AM I DOING? WHY AM I writing a ridiculous blog that no one is going to read?
I have an assignment due in 2 days, and I can't even be bothered doing something for that..

Right now I have persuaded myself to go to America and study for a semester. WHy? I guess it's because i really do feel that i'm underachieving at the moment. I am disorientated. What do I want in life? Who do I want to be? I am suddenly confronted with these big questions. All through high school, I knew exactly what I wanted and how I was going to achieve that. Now faced with so many options, I am confused. Hopefully, going overseas, seeing more of the world will help me learn and discover more about people, life and myself.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Bringing this blog back to life.

I really don't expect anyone to read this, and if you do happen to stumble along and find this thing, well no harm done because you don't really know me. Having said that, every blog deserves a personal touch. So I will be divulging my secrets and sharing my opinions with you.

Who am I?
I really don't know. Sometimes I really do think I'm hilarious and intelligent, other days I lack motivation, sit around all day and do jack all.
I am currently in university, trying to complete a 5 and 1/2 years course. EEK, crazy huh? But it's as not bad as you think. I do enjoy learning and love being challenged, so really, Uni is good for me.
I have a really lame sense of humour. My idea of a joke is to poke fun at my friends. What else are they good for right?

What do I like?
At the moment, I'm in love with YOUTUBE. Has anyone seen Kevjumba? I have to admit I am currently obsessed with his vlog or whatever you call his videos online. To be honest, he is not THAT funny, or really HOT. FOr some reason I am drawn to his clips, I love how he talks and uses his hands to express himself. A+ for execution.

Enough for today! Hopefully my next post will be soon!

Bye to myself, and anyone who stumbles along and find these rambling comments.
