Saturday, July 25, 2009

Asians are not UGLY...

Dearest friends,

I think there are many beautiful Asians out there, despite the constant portrayal of slit/slanted eyed, flat faced and dopy looking asians with horrible fashion sense.

Fashion magazines continue to ignore the use of Asian models. I know this for a fact, because I ritually read magzines such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Cleo etc, and the quick flick through Dolly and Girlfriend magazines. WHERE ARE THE ASIANS????? With an abundant inflow of Asian immigrants, I am disappointed to say that the forementioned magazines have failed to research the demographics of their readers. Unless ofcourse, they only intend for white readers. If so, FY!

They regularly do editions on red hair, brunettes and blondes. Why is Brunette always brown? Brunette means dark hair not brown hair(checked my dictionary), therefore they should use black hair occasionally to represent brunettes.

Even when, asians are represented in the media, the ugly ones are picked. People like William Hung, the new girl Sunny on Neighbours, just to name a few. Common factor between all? SMALL EYES/Barely there eyes! No wonder, the western society think that we are all like that. Furthermore, when asians do feature in advertisements, it is always to bring a mockery factor. Thank you very much for making us into a joke!

Westerners need to understand that Asians are just as beautiful...I have included 2 regular asians to demonstrate my premise.

This is Juley from

This is Trang from, this girl has impeccable taste!



Unknown said...

Asians can only be described as being adorably fugly. Either your cute or a train wreck.
I believe the cute generalisation has quite a lot of downside.

Booh yah! 2 first posts in a row. Where is your dedication Mark???

Markliujy said...

I didn't have a comment on asians being ugly before. And what about your dedication, it took 2 days for you to comment! :p

But what you said is totally true. There aren't many asians in the middle.

All about Kristy said...

Lol even the asian girl in Gossip Girl is not that pretty...yoganshi,ors whatever her name is