Monday, June 1, 2009

Devil's Advocate

The ability to argue from both sides should be admired and applauded. When you study law, this is essential. Being the devil's advocate, coming up with clever minority arguments will often get your good marks. I love Kirby J. Blah Blah......

This is all good, BUT SOME PEOPLE take this too far.

Have you ever had a friend, who likes to make negative comments when you tell them something that you are proud of, or you did well in. A friend who compliments with the most condescending tone.

Let me demonstrate..

Exhibit A:
K: Hey X, I started a new blog!
X: That's exciting, abit narssistic though isn't it? I think only people who have too much spare time or are too into themselves write blogs.

Exhibit B:
K: Hey, I got a really good mark on ___.
X: oh well done, but i guess you have more time to work on your assignments since don't work much.

Exhibit C:
X: Hey you got a hair cut, I dont' see any difference.
X: I like your new hair, it ooks like Rhiannas, not very original .. no offense.

Exhibit D:
K: Hey I bought this really pretty dress.
X: oh it's nice, but I.....don't think it suits you.

As you can clearly see from above, X has a way of subtly inserting their negativism in to "compliments". One comment, fair enough.. 10 times consecutively....SLY moles.

It's true, I don't have thick skin. However, I can accept criticims, no worries mate. What is ironic is that the aforementioned "negative" comments are consistently paid out from the same individuals. They are always questioning you on why you did something, and saying that they don't agree. Honestly, after 10 times, I don't care what you think. You never get these comments from anyone else, so it's clearly them and NOT YOU. I propose two explanations. Firstly, Xs are not happy with their own life, therefore they feel the need to bring other people down to their level. Secondly, they were born with a broomstick up their rear end, which results in bottled up stress.

Remember, it takes 42 muscle to frown but only 3 to reach out and slap that bitch!

Haha, I apologise for these erratic posts.

Desire of the week:
These Christian Louboutins.......lust

I love this preppy look...I heart blazers.

Have a nice week guys!


Leanne said...

Haha love the comment about slapping!

I was worried that maybe I was the "friend" but I haven't ever said those things to you. But if I have said similar things, then I sincerely apologise. I heart you.

Markliujy said...

Oh...sadly I'm not at that level. Sigh. Maybe I'd be getting Ds and HDs if I were?

Unknown said...

Sry Kristy but I'm gonna hijack ur blog ... =P. There's a very funny commercial on youtube that resembles someone very close to you (who like basketball wayyyy too much lolz). Here's the link :


All about Kristy said...

LOL I watched hahahha I will make sure AA watches it too.