Thursday, June 4, 2009

Goodbye to "bad boys"...

Between the age of 15-18. I admit, I did have a thing for the bad boys. There is something about them that is just attractive. Was it the looks? No.. It was more of the attitude and the.. omg "he is so wild, but I can tame him" ideology.

I blame the movies and books for such delusions. In those stories, the guys are always wild, grown up in the wrong side of the town, partying, not turning up to school, not nice to people, unreliable and so forth. But then one day he meets this girl, at first he didn't think much, he tries to intimidate her and push her away like he does to others, but she stands up to him. He is so shocked because this timid good girl is not afraid of him. He is interested, he gets to know her more. BAM! He starts to follow her around, he writes sweet letters, he protects her...he has fallen in love with her.

So now I'm older, armed with better and more rational reasoning skills, I once again analyse what it really means to "date a bad boy".

Firstly, why are these guys bad? Yes, they had a rough upbringing, but they still have a choice to be responsible for their actions and to be nice to others. There is really no excuse to being an asshole.

Secondly, will they ever be nice to the one particular girl? No, it's unlikely. They are unreliable, and they never wanted to be responsible and obey rules of the society. Even if you do try to change them, it will only be temporary.

Thirdly, who wants to be called to the police station at 2Am to bail out your boyfriend, because he decides that he has to "stick up for a mate" by getting into a fist fight? or even worst, to be on the end of a fist fight. Poor Rhianna..

Lastly, if the reason you are attracted to X because he is hardcore, wild, bad etc... then clearly, you will lose interest when he becomes tamed by you. When he does all the right thing and follow you around like a puppy, will you still be attracted to him?

Therefore, after such deductions, I (the wise one) conclude that "bad boys" should be left as a fantasy and it should definately not be exercised upon. GEEKY boys, it's your turn to shine..
bring out your comic books, and wow us girls with your "LMAO" jokes and wikipedia knowledge.

1 comment:

Markliujy said...

I dunno, I thought Aaron seemed more the bad boy type then the geek type...

As for the bad boy thing? What can I say, I'm not a girl.