Friday, May 15, 2009


Firstly, an administrative update.

I intalled a shoutbox! So for those of you who do not have a blog or a google account, you can still leave a message.
If you do leave a message, I will reply! so come back to my blog, and read my response.

Secondly, why do we have an epidemic of TRY HARD LESBIANS?

I don't understand, why every time I open up my facebook, there in front of me, lies pictures of my female friends or female associates pretending to kiss, or actually kissing some girl! What on earth is happening? Houston, we have a problem.
My prudish brain cannot handle it. I fully support the gay community. But why are these straight girls trying to be gay??

So I waste 5 minutes racking my brains to figure out the mens rea behind such actions!

Idea 1: These girls are actually gay. Unlikely, because there are pictures of them kissing guys as well.
Idea 2: These girls are bi-sexuals. This will explain the first matter, but I've never heard that they have, are, will dated/dating/date girls.
Idea 3: This leaves me to the most pragmatic reason which is kissing girls have become a trend. But this begs the question, why doesn't the same trend apply to guys?
I went to a club once with a few of my friends. After a few drinks, one of my female friends decided to pash some other girl, to score free drinks from a few DIRTY guys watching.

So, this leads me to the conclusion that girls do it because it has become a trend, and that they want to impress the guys. Celebrities have taken advantage of this try-hard lesbian trend to become popular. Just like, ompa-lumpa tans and posh-spice hair cut, EVERYONE IS DOING IT. This is TWISTED. HOW how how...WHY WHY WHY.....on earth would you do such thing, my dear female peers????Guys will never plan and take you out to romantic candle light dinners regularly, book a nice holiday getaway, listen to you rant or go shopping with you. They know very well that girls find that 'hot'. Yet, it's not within their scope to try such things. SO WHY ARE YOU GIRLS TRYING SO HARD.

Society evolves in strange ways. Perhaps the next trend will be Try HARD FOBS. (fresh off the boat).......I can't wait! Teehee!


Markliujy said...

A shoutbox!

I can only imagine it's a trend. And well, for my male mind - that's girls for you :p

Unknown said...

OIIIIII! I OBJECT to you using a WG pic for your try hard fob exhibition.

Either stop bashing WG or I shall anti-fan ur blog!!!!

All about Kristy said... protective of your girls Bei. Before you get too attached to them, try and actually meet them first?

Unknown said...

oh getting personal r we? that hurt.... *sob*

Leanne said...

I agree that girls shouldn't feel like they have to do those kinds of things. I think a lot is peer pressure & wanting to be cool. Also I think a lot of them get drunk when they do it.

Unknown said...

Leanne I think your missing the most important point here. KRISTY WAS WRONG TO USE WG AS AN EXAMPLE OF FOBS.

As for girls acting like lesbians, I don't mind and I think half the human species don't mind at all... let them be.

Leanne said...

Bei, I don't even know who WG is. Are they as fobby as they look?

Unknown said...

Haiz... so you too lah? u n Kristy is soo mean, wots with the WG bashing around here? THEY ARE NOT FOB!!!

WG = Wonder girls... they are awesome teheheh

Kristy u deliberately put their photo up to provoke me!

All about Kristy said...

provocation is no longer a defense. Sue me!