Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Who motivates you?

Dearest friends,

The topic of my blog post today derives from a question that was proposed to me in an interview. I certainly think it is an interesting question because not every one have someone in particular that motivates them. Furthermore, people need motivation for different things, whether it's for perseverance, for creative ideas or simply for a more effective way to do things. For me, other people's success is a motivation to me. But instead of thinking how 'lucky' they are, I ask "HOW DID THEY DO IT?" Often, I often find that it is not luck, it is their work ethic.

Personally, I have two people who motivates me. First, Lance Armstrong. He won Tour De France 7x after he recovered from cancer. He had 7% chance to live. People like to say he is a drug cheat. After reading his bibliography, I learnt that he did it by pure hardwork. "I rode when no one else would ride, sometimes not even my teammates...To win the Tour I had to be willing to ride when no one else would ride." He also said "Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever." I truly believe that someone can be so dedicated to their goals, and they are able to achieve unbelievable results because of their deterimination and hard work.

I am not a bike rider, but I was and am inspired. When things get hard, when they don't go my way, when I get lazy and go off course. I ALWAYS return to these quotes. I remind myself that "hard work yields results". So I have to keep fighting, to work harder. I have to keep trying.

The other person that I inspires me is my parents. I won't go in to the details of our personal lives. Let us say that life was not always easy, it is still not for my parents anyway. The reason why we have what we have, and the reason why I am so fortunate is because of my parents' hard work and what they have sacrificed. When other parents take holidays overseas or goto dinner parties, movies, casinos, or even the church and etc, my parents will be working. Things don't magically happen. I learnt that good things in particular,are usually generated by hard work and a lot of sacrifice.

I have a passion for procrastination, therefore I constantly need to draw inspiration from my motivators. It is pretty simple really. Life is too short for regrets, I need to work harder.

Who inspires you? What do you need the inspiration for?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The 10 Pan challenge

Dearest friends,

I am now starting on a 10 pan challenge. I buy alot of things. In particular, pens and make-up. For a while now, the pens have stacked up to large collections, and different make-up has been sitting there collecting dust.

what is a 10 pan challenge?

Well, you pick out 10 things that you will use until it finishes. Now for me that is going to be hard, I hardly ever finish a pen, because either I lose it or I move on to more interesting ones, likewise with makeup. Makeup has expiry dates, therefore the accural has resulted in major wastage. The 10 things I have chosen, I have already used, but this challenge will ensure that I finish it.

Aim: To minimise wasting products and to save money by not purchasing similar products.

Why don't you stop buying crap, you may ask. Well, I can't help it. I am constantly drawn to trying out new products.

To make sure that I don't cheat, I have posted the items.

Here is the list and how much is left:
1. Loreal True match powder -40%
2. Lucas Papaw ointment -30%
3. Clinique Gloss wear - air kiss - 20%
4. Clinique dewy smooth foundation - 20%
5. Rimmel - Fix & Perfect primer - 90%
6. Maybelline - chocolate mousse eye shadow quad - 90%
7. Prestige- black eyeliner - 50%
8. Maybelline - Telescopic mascara - 50%
9. Bourjois blush - 90% left
10. Pilot blue pen - 30% left

I will keep you updated on my progress. It might take me a while, given I rarely wear makeup to university. Also, if you need any reviews or suggestion on makeup. ASK!

Now, I also challenge you to pick 10 things that you use and make sure you finish it to it's last drop. It doesn't have to be makeup, but it can't be food. Especially for those of you who are constantly buying the same type of products, but rarely finishing it. This will bring you self-fulfilment!